Business Analytics Courses & Curriculum

Business analysts must be able to take massive data sets that are too large or varied for conventional tools to manage and mine effectively, and make sense of all the pieces of information. If you have an interest in statistical programming and have a desire to make sense of big data, this degree is an excellent option. MSUM’s Business Analytics major, the only undergraduate business focused data science degree in the area, is an integrated course of study that will provide you a solid understanding of data analysis and optimization to make data-driven, fact-based business decisions. The interdisciplinary program will develop your skills in business analytics techniques, descriptive analytics, predictive analytics and prescriptive analytics. It will also teach you to communicate clearly, in layman’s terms, what all that data means. This program is visa-eligible with STEM certification for international students.

In order to declare a Business Analytics major, you must be admitted to the Paseka School of Business.

Business Analytics Degree Options

Business Analytics Graduate Programs