Realistic Personality Exploration

Doers are generally independent, ambitious, persistent, practical and efficient. You tend to be physically active and often enjoy athletic activities. Being outdoors tending a garden or your pets or in the garage tinkering with a car or building a shelf is much more appealing than being inside. You are skilled at fixing things with your hands and figuring out how to put things together.

Common Characteristics of a Realistic Personality

  • You are an independent, stable, natural person who is persistent in achieving your goals.
  • You prefer concrete problems in which you can enjoy immediate rewards.
  • You value your physical being and work at staying strong and healthy.
  • You prefer working outdoors doing physical activity.
  • You’re the person someone goes to for help figuring out how to get the Roku connected.

Below are some career clusters where Realistic personalities thrive.

  • Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
  • Architecture and Construction
  • Health Science
  • Hospitality and Tourism
  • Information Technology
  • Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
  • Manufacturing
  • Science, Engineering and Mathematics
  • Transportation, Distribution and Logistics

No matter what your major is at MSUM, you will succeed here and beyond! Within one year of graduation (Class of 2019-2020):

Explore Realistic MSUM Majors and Find the Right Career for You

Below are majors and emphases, minors or certificates related to the Realistic career cluster. Explore those that interest you to learn about the benefits of that major, careers and outcomes, and learning opportunities. This list is not all-inclusive; there may be majors that pique your interest that aren’t necessarily in the Realistic cluster. We encourage you to explore all of MSUM’s majors, emphases and options.

Thank you for sharing your Realistic Personality Type with us.

Your Admissions Rep will get in touch with you about Realistic majors. Watch your mail for your special Dragon delivery!

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