Social Studies 4-Year Plan

The 4-Year Plan is a model for completing your Social Studies degree in a timely manner. The plan below is one of several possible ways for you to complete the Social Studies degree. Your individualized plan may look different if you have already fulfilled some requirements. Check your Financial Aid as it may require additional term credits for full-time funding. You must complete all university and program requirements successfully to complete this degree (GPA, 120 credits, LASC, WI, residency).

  • Program: Bachelor of Science: Social Studies
  • Total Credits: 120
  • Catalog: 2024-2025

First Year

Curriculum Course Course Title Credits
Fall (1st Fall)
Core Requirement: LASC Goal 7 GEOS 111 Cultures and Religions 3
Emphasis Requirement: LASC Goal 5 and 8 HIST 105 World History II 3
First-Year Experience Course FYE 101 First Year Experience 1
LASC Goal 1B ENGL 101 English Composition 3
Core Requirement: LASC Goal 5 and 8 HIST 122 History of US Since 1877 3
LASC Goal 1A COMM 100 Speech Communication 3
Total Credits: 16
Spring (1st Spring)
Emphasis Requirement: LASC Goal 5 HIST 104 World History I 3
Core Requirement: LASC Goal 5 HIST 121 History of US to 1877 3
Core Requirement: LASC Goal 5 SOC 110 Intro to Sociology 3
Emphasis Requirement: LASC Goal 3 GEOS 110 Introductory Physical Geography 3
Secondary Ed: ED 205 Intro to Education 3
Total Credits: 15


Second Year

Curriculum Course Course Title Credits
Fall (2nd Fall)
Emphasis Requirement: Writing Intensive 200-level or higher HIST 205 Intro to Historical Methods 3
Secondary Ed: ED 294 Educational Psychology 3
Core Requirement: LASC Goal 5 PSY 113 General Psychology 3
Core Requirement: LASC Goal 2 ECON 100 The American Economy 3
LASC Goal 10/WI     3
Total Credits: 15
Spring (2nd Spring)
Core Requirement: LASC Goal 8 ANTH 110 Intro to Cultural Anthropology 3
Emphasis Requirement:  HIST ***   3
Emphasis Requirement:  GEOS ***   3
Secondary Ed: SPED 413 Teaching in Inclusive Environments 3
LASC Goal 4 MATH 105 or 110   3
Total Credits: 15


Third Year

Curriculum Course Course Title Credits
Fall (3rd Fall)
Secondary Ed: ED 310 Social Foundations of Education 3
Secondary Ed: ED 448 Reading Study Skills in the Content Areas 3
Emphasis Requirement: LASC Goal 5 and 9 POL 120 American National Government & Politics 3
Emphasis Requirement:  HIST 3**   3
Emphasis Requirement:  GEOS ***   3
Total Credits: 15
Spring (3rd Spring)
Emphasis Requirement:  HIST 3**   3
Emphasis Requirement:  HIST 3**   3
Emphasis Requirement:  GEOS ***   3
LASC Goal 6     3
Writing Intensive: 200-level or higher     3
Total Credits: 15


Curriculum Course Course Title Credits
Fall (4th Fall)
Core Requirement: WI for major HIST 440 Secondary Social Studies Instruction 3
LASC Goal 3 AST ***   3
Secondary Ed: ED 498 The Professional Teacher in the Classroom 3
LASC Goal 6     3
General Elective/Minor Course:     2
General Elective/Minor Course:     3
Total Credits: 17
Spring (4th Spring)
Student Teaching: ED 461S Student Teaching: Secondary 12
Total Credits: 12

*Official degree requirements can only be found in the MSUM Bulletin/Catalog. The information on this webpage is a high-level overview of the degree. Please refer to the bulletin for up-to-date requirements.