Livingston Lord Library Services
Whether you’re a professor or a student, we’re here to ensure you find the best resources possible. Borrow resources from other libraries. Reserve materials for your classes. Receive instruction from a knowledgeable librarian. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Suggest a book, journal or other resource we should add to our collection!
- Interlibrary Loan Requests
Borrow books and articles from other libraries with the Library's. - Distance Education Services
Services for Remote Users are available for students, faculty and staff who are working off campus. - Library Instruction Requests
Request a library instruction class that introduces library resources and information literacy concepts designed specifically for your course. - Course Reserves Requests
Find a book for a class, or if you teach one, ask us to put something on reserve for you. - Book & Media Suggestions
Suggest a book, journal, or other information resource (including electronic titles) for addition to the MSUM Livingston Lord Library.