Accounting & Finance Stories

Matching Stories results

<p>Accounting Degree</p>

Educator's Blood, Business Brain: Alum brings global experience to Foundation board

Jay is continuing to pave the way for future generations, providing access to the quality educational experiences he had.

<p>MBA Degree</p>

Dragon-Led Innovation: MSUM Alumni Drive Chezy's Vision

Chezy, a video production company led by MSUM alumni Joe Tjosvold (founder), Luke Steichen and Shad Vedaa, has worked with worldwide companies like Amazon and Ralph Lauren, as well as local businesses and nonprofits.

<p>Paseka School of Business</p>

Dragons Dominate: MSUM DECA Team Takes Top Prizes Locally & Beyond

The MSU Moorhead Collegiate DECA team continues to make waves, establishing itself as a formidable force. DECA, an organization for students interested in careers in marketing, finance, and other business-related fields, has seen MSUM's team excel at the regional, national and international levels.

<p>Finance Degree</p>

Finance students get hands-on leadership lessons at Global Leadership Summit

Ellie Fischer and Kristin Meyer represented the Paseka School of Business in Washington D.C. at the 2024 Beta Gamma Sigma Global Leadership Summit.

<p>Finance Degree</p>

Third consecutive Dragon named MN DECA state president

Sophia Smith, a junior in finance, was named the 2024-2025 Minnesota Collegiate DECA president.

<p>Finance Degree</p>

Sarah West’s message to graduates: You are the company you keep

Minnesota State University Moorhead is welcoming Sarah West (‘07) as spring 2024’s commencement speaker. 

<p>Paseka School of Business</p>

Doing business in Germany

Students study abroad in Germany and have an immersive international business experience.

<p>Business Administration Degree</p>

DECA prepares MSUM students for careers in business

MSUM students Isabel Olson and Kobey Block share their involvement in DECA and how it has improved their college experience.

<p>Accounting Degree</p>

All Business: Student Athlete a Double Threat On & Off the Court

Alum and 6-year mens basketball player, Gavin Baumgartner, reflects on his time at MSUM and what is in store for his future.

Standing out as a servant leader

David Dietz, president and CEO of Preference Employment Solutions, Fargo, N.D., will speak to students about reaching their potential at MSUM's 2023 Student Academic Conference.

Creating community with a good fit in finance

When Kevin Hanson walked into Gate City Bank one morning in 1983, he didn’t know if they were hiring. He had graduated with a bachelor’s in finance from MSUM two days prior and opened a phone book just hours before to look for job openings. 

Craig Weiss receives Distinguished Alumni Award

Craig Weiss, as a recipient of a 2022 MSUM Distinguished Alumni Award, honed his leadership and entrepreneurial skills with nearly 35 years in the banking industry.