English Dragon Stories

Matching Stories results

Foss relies on motto to build success

David Foss' unusual combination of computer science, English, and business administration at MSUM allowed him to enjoy a wide variety of roles in computer systems and banking.

MSUM Planetarium sparked big dreams for creative astronomer, filmmaker

Mary Dodge came to MSUM expecting to study English, then took an astronomy class that led to a lifelong career in planetariums and film-making.

Foundation Board Member Feature: Dayna Del Val

Meet Dayna Del Val, a proud Dragon with strong ties to MSUM and a passion for the arts in our community. The 1995 theatre graduate is the President & CEO of The Arts Partnership and has served on the MSUM Foundation board of directors since June 2020.


Weld Hall Renovation is Top Priority

Last week, MSUM hosted Minnesota’s Senate Capital Investment Committee, whose members were on campus to learn more about our planned renovation of Weld Hall.

Teaching Leads to Achieving Dreams

Since he was five years old, William Lewandowski dreamed of being a teacher. He decided to go back to school to make that dream come true.


Dragon Pride. It runs deep among our alumni and students. For many regional families, an MSUM education is a family tradition.

Coming Home

Although their reasons for returning vary, the alumni who “come home” recognize the potential of the community and take pride in the home of their alma mater.