English student shares the power of storytelling

Writing is an art form that has captured and passed down tales for generations. Telling a story shines a light on the people and places that need it most.

That sentiment is what Savannah Dibben took to heart when creating a story for her media writing (Comm 210) class. The assignment required students to write a feature article to tell the background of a person or place in their life.

“Storytelling is a precious thing that ties us all together. I think it’s one of the best art forms,” Savannah says.

Her professor thought her story was so well done that she submitted it to the Martin Country Star Newspaper in Sherburn, Minn., for publication.

Savannah’s story retells of an urban legend and spooky tales near her hometown in Stull, Kan. From levitating witches in the cemetery to a portal to hell in the town’s church, many old tales of the town's haunted spaces have been passed down for generations.

Savannah’s research for this story spanned many sources, starting with her mother and grandmother. She also dug into town archives and found a 1990s newspaper article from the local high school that told how a large pine tree and split tombstone bore myths of witches and devils.

As a child, Savannah deeply loved writing. This passion easily translates into her creative endeavors as an English major at MSUM. While she took some time off from school and tried other paths after high school, "I wanted to go back to my roots. English classes have always been a way for me to express myself,” she says. “I also love reading; literature is a great communication between people and generations."

Media writing was a healthy challenge for Savannah. Compared to creative writing classes she’s previously taken, media writing exposed her to writing in the Associated Press style and to trying objective writing in her work. In-depth critiques also helped her see how her work could be refined.

“It’s nice getting back into an environment that encourages you to improve your skills. I’ve noticed how much stronger my writing is,” she says. “My main goal is to get better at things that I like to do.”

BS in English

Diving into Stull’s history taught Savannah a lot about the tales that are passed down from generations. While these stories bring people together for a good laugh, she recognizes that the cemetery is treated poorly by people who decide to party there on nights like Halloween. With stories in these places, “it is important to respect trespassing laws and to remain mindful of those who have passed,” she wrote in her article.

Savannah continues to fuel her passion through stories, scripts, and more in her classes. To Savannah, connecting with others through storytelling is what is most important.

English Degree

Explore imaginative works of literature, perform critical analysis within the literary tradition, and stimulate a love of writing that promotes professional skill.

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